Luke's Mummy

Thursday, February 28, 2008


I had to leave off writing this blog for a couple of days to cool down otherwise it would be just one big mindless rant...

Woke up the other morning, did the usual stuff i.e. helped Luke to get washed and dressed (always a long drawn out process, usually with him playing Ben 10 or PowerRangers etc while I chase him with his wet sponge), had breakfast etc., then we opened the front door to take Rich to work and what do we find ....? We have been egged!! Seems like some complete Knob (s) have thought it a really good idea to throw half a dozen eggs at the front of the house, add to that the fact that Luke is allergic to egg also it had frozen overnight and I was completely livid. It looked a complete mess, and it was so embarrassing as nobody else had been "done", it made it even worse somehow. Took Rich to work and then Luke to school, carefully sidestepping the mess, then spent two hours scrubbing at the pavement and house with a yard brush, mop and at least 6 buckets of hot water and Flash. It's amazing how when you wash the car or front of the house people stop and talk isn't it? Thing is, where we are situated i.e. next to the school, all Luke's teachers walk past, they were disgusted to say the least, but also thought it great sport to say "ooh missed a bit" and that old chestnut "You can come and do mine when you are finished" grrrrrrr!!!

Well at least the house is looking sparkling out front now, and it proves to Luke's teachers that I am actually capable of cleaning ...

Dropped Luke off the other day wearing my swimsuit under my top as I was going for my thrice weekly swim straight afterwards, Luke's teacher whispered to him "don't forget, tell mummy to go clean the house" "Oh there's no point" he announced loudly "all she ever does is swim all day!" .... hmmmmm

Monday, February 18, 2008

Can't Remember What He Looks Like?

Luke came up to me the other day and said the words I had been dreading "Mummy I can't remember what Grandad Colin looked like", he seemed so sad, it made me ache, so I got a photo from the album and gave it to him. "Right, I remember now, no problem, but what if I forget again?", "just close your eyes Luke, now can you see him?" "yes, I see him" "now, talk to him, go on" "Ok, hello Grandad" "What's he saying back to you?" "he said I should have a Power Ranger Operation Overdrive Tracker Device"!!

Nothing else to say to that is there really ....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Dad, Rich and Murphy The Cat

February is always going to be a weird month (well at least the beginning of it), dad died on the 5th which is also Richard's birthday (he would had been mortified, am sure of it), so I always feel this sense of "oh no" as it approaches which is so unfair on Richard. Last year it was dreadful, really bad, as it was also dad's first anniversary and we were still very raw with grief, Richard felt odd about it, mum and I felt odd about it, it was just "odd". so the day couldn't really pass quickly enough. Mum and I decided this year would be different, we aren't very big on going to the cemetary just because it is an anniversary or birthday etc., we tend to go when we feel the need to as we talk and think about dad all the time. So, we chose to celebrate Richard's birthday, he had gifts, cards, a birthday cake and pancakes (as it was Shrove Tuesday). We enjoyed the day! Of course, I couldn't stop thinking about dad, replaying the day two years ago when we lost him, but we let Richard have his birthday which is what dad would have wanted as he loved him.

The following day, mum and I went to the cemetary to lay some flowers, it was sunny and very springlike, and we gave his tortoise a pat (we didn't want anything too funeral like at the time so we picked this gorgeous cute stone tortoise to lay where his ashes are). We walked back to my house and had a cuppa and then for the first time ever since he passed away we talked about dad properly. Mum for the first time actually told me about the last morning that she spent with dad, how when we woke up he had slept really well for the first time in years and didn't feel ill, how they spent an hour in bed just talking about "stuff" and how for the first time in years he was able to put his arm around her and give her a cuddle and then how he suddenly became so ill. It was hard for me to hear it really, as I still can't allow myself to think too deeply about it as it hurts but you know, it helped me to deal with it. I was glad that his last morning with mum was so different (in a good way) and that she can now talk about it, she is starting to heal a little.

And then we have Murphy The Cat. Murphy is such a sweetie, out of the three of them he is the most "pudding like". So tame, so brave and so ...... daft.

There has been a cat hanging around the back of the house that looks so like our other cat Mickey, he sits at the dining room window crying wanting to come in. This absolutely drives the three cats mad, it disturbs them and they started to not want to go out. Of course, me being the idiot that I am, was finding it upsetting, I automatically think that the poor animal is starving, homeless, distressed rather than the more likely case of just bloody greedy, chancing his arm and a bloody bully. "Do not feed it" Richard said, it isn't fair on it or our cats, "right, I won't" I said, whilst sliding the spare saucer of food back in the kitchen cupboard. Of course, I had been sneaking it the odd bit of kibble. This cat was now starting to paw the window, meowing like mad, and terrifying our cats. I did try to run it off (talk about sending confusing messages to it), but it was now staring at me and not budging. Richard ended up with a little water pistol and having to spray it at the wall to frighten it off. So, when Murphy spent one morning completely asleep under the radiator and then not wanting to play with Luke I was a bit concerned that something had happened, when Murphy that same evening suddenly started to bleed badly from the top of his tail I got scared, even more so when I saw a deep hole there. I took him to the vet the next morning (of course he did his usual pooh in the carrier - pleasant) and he had a cat bite (perfect tooth hole) that had become abscessed. Poor bugger. He was put on antibiotics and is now a lot better, especially now that the top of his tail no longer looks like an undercooked sausage (they clipped all the hair of it). So, I promise to chase all stray cats from our back yard and to never feed them ever again.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Must Dash!!!

I'm actually typing this whilst cooking tea for Luke, have intended to post for about a week now, but have so many things I wanted to mention that I know it will take a while to write and am finding it difficult to get the time to sit at the PC for a decent amount of time.

We are all fit and well now (touching wood frantically), Murphy cat had a trip to the vet due to another cat biting him just above the tail and then it becoming a nasty abscess (very horrible for him), but I will give you the whole tail (tail, geddit) later on.

So hopefully, I will give you a bigger and better post v v soon.