Nee Narrr Neee Narrrrrr!!!
Luke was in his equivalent of Disneyland today, the local Fire Station held their first Open Day for 10 years!! He has had a passion for Fire Engines and Fire Fighters since his was about 2 and every time we go to the local "Big Park" he asks me to drive around the back of the fire station so that he can see the huge Practice Tower and the Engines parked up. He's sat in numerous Engines over the past few years and the local Fire Fighters always wave at him when they drive past as they have started to recognise him as the little boy that asks them numerous questions about the equipment and what it does. He's actually become really quite knowledgeable about it all now.
So, Richard and I took him along today and it was really enjoyable also all the money raised went to their charity so it was all in a good cause too. Fabulous stuff!!
Later this afternoon, we went to the park and Luke decided to don his fireman outfit ....