Luke's Mummy

Friday, January 18, 2008


Yes, had to happen didn't it, after spending all that time at the doctors and chemist with Luke and Richard, I am now officially NOT VERY WELL!!! Been battling feeling crappy for a few weeks now, and as soon as Luke and Richard are back to rude health I am dealt a huge whammy by Mr Virus and wind up with an extremely yuck worthy chest infection. So, am now wandering around the house clutching endless mugs of tea (to try and lubricate the tubes), inhaling copious amount of menthol, sucking so many cough lozenges I have probably now lost all my taste buds and waiting for my next antibiotic (will this be the one that finally renders me able to stand without the dizzy sweats?).

I can proudly state that I definitely inherited my gorgeous, much missed father's ability to be the world's worst patient.


  • At 7:33 AM , Blogger Emily said...

    Ah, so sorry you're ill. Sounds like you're doing all the right things, just get lots of rest and let the boys sort themselves out.

  • At 2:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

    ha. it is amazing how this virus is the same on both sides of the Atlantic -- dizzy and sweaty, that was me exactly. I just stuck with the mantra that "the only way out is through" and drank a ton of liquids. Cannot tell you how many tissues I have blown through. Now I'm down to just snotty nose on one side after an entire week of this SH*T! It stinks.

  • At 10:26 AM , Blogger Vetmommy said...

    Get well soon!

  • At 12:17 PM , Blogger paula said...

    Thanks for all your get well soon's. Steph, am with you there on the snotty tissues, boxes of the suckers. A week down the line and I actually feel a little better today, still generally crappy though ... aaargh!!!


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