Luke has been off school since last Tuesday, really not very well at all, wheezy chest, congested head, temperature, oh yes the dreaded lurgy had been caught off daddy. I have discovered that I have a real problem with ringing in sick for him, seriously as the days went on I was feeling more and more stressed at having to call the receptionist, it was akin to calling in work sick, you know the scenario no matter how crappy you feel you still feel like they don't quite believe you.
Me: "So sorry, Luke is really not feeling good today so he won't be coming in"
Receptionist: (Dramatic Pause for Effect) "So he isn't well then?"
Me: "No he is full of a bad cold virus, really not good at all"
Receptionist: "Oh Okaaaaay then, I'll let them know"
Me: "Hopefully he will be better tomorrow" (Why the hell I say that when I know fully well he will not have picked up enought to go in beats me)
Then, I have to call in the next morning feeling again very guilty, and convinced that they think I am overprotective and should really be sending him in snotty nose and wheezing chest or not. The final day I couldn't face it and got Richard to do it. "What's the problem?" he asked, "I can't believe you are nervous about calling the school, come here give me the phone." He reappeared about 5 minutes later looking very distressed, "I'm convinced she didn't believe me" he said, "really?" I replied, "why", "So he's just got a cold then?" she said to him, "Is it really bad then?." "hmmmmm, ok, I'll let them know." So it's not just me then? Of course it doesn't help matters that the receptionist and teachers walk past the front living room window every morning, whereby they can witness Luke sat at his table snarfing cheerios down in front of the telly looking sometimes, admittedly not very ill at all. It doesn't matter if he isn't eating during the day somehow he can usually manage a bit of sugar coated cereal and it's always just as the said people are walking past looking in. (must draw the blinds).
So, he spent the time watching DVD's, snoozing, not eating very much at all (the stress of it!!), and when he was feeling a bit better playing in his room. Usually when we are at home together at weekends or on holiday from school we go out every day for a good old round round the park (even when it's raining much to a lot of my friend's disbelief), so being cooped up has been a bit difficult for us both. So, come last Friday when he was perking up considerably I suggested a walk into town (only about 3/4 mile).
Me: Now Luke, if we meet any of your teachers, be sure to
not tell them that you are perfectly well, remember you are off sick, so it
is ok to tell them you
have been ill, ok?"
Luke: "Why? I feel alright now mummy"
Me: "Yes, I know you are feeling better
now Luke, but you
have been ill"
Luke: (reluctantly) "Oh ok"
So off we went, having a lovely stroll, on the way back we bumped into one of his teachers just as we were crossing the canal footbridge (Bloody knew we would)
Teacher: " Oh hello Luke, how are you feeling, how have you been?"
Luke: (Looks at me triumphantly) "I'm great, feeling really well, thank you for asking, why?"
Teacher: (Looking at me very suspiciously) "But you have been ill haven't you?"
Luke: "Oh I'm fine"
See, knew it would happen!!
So he went back in today, not that he wanted to of course, after a week of snuggling mummy, eating when and pretty much what he wanted (I was at breaking point and just gave in to him in the end, just eat damn it), playing in his room etc., school was not an option he wanted to consider. He came into the bedroom at 6.30 this morning waving his foot at me, "Mummy, I can't go into school, I've got a poorly foot" I squinted at it, and noticed a bit of red fluff hanging off his big toe, "There's nothing there Luke", his dismay when he saw the fluff drop off down to the carpet was huge. "But it was all red and itchy, honest", not anymore Luke, get dressed. And he did, very slowly, so slowly it was almost in reverse.